Senior Global Sales Manager- Battery Data

Permanent employee, Full-time · Wiener Neudorf, Remote

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Your mission
  • A highly interesting role in international business development
  • As Senior Global Sales Manager – Battery Field Data, you’ll be responsible for establishing and growing our global Data Sales activities.
  • You will get the opportunity to work with all global EV OEMS, cell manufacturers, manufacturers of Battery Management Systems etc.
  • Direct report to the Management/Owners Board
  • A cool challenge in a cool company
  • A great team
  • Flexible working arrangements
Your profile
  • Ideally, at least five years of experience in the global EV battery industry.
  • Preferably, a background in sales.
  • Strong ability to work independently and with precision.
  • Enthusiasm for engaging with international customers and partners.
  • Excellent written and spoken English.
  • A proactive mindset and eagerness to thrive in a dynamic environment.
  • The ambition to build something impactful.
  • Genuine enthusiasm for your work and a strong sense of motivation.
Why us?
  • A highly interesting role in international business development
  • As Senior Global Sales Manager – Battery Field Data, you’ll be responsible for establishing and growing our global Data Sales activities.
  • You will get the opportunity to work with all global EV OEMS, cell manufacturers, manufacturers of Battery Management Systems etc.
  • Direct report to the Management/Owners Board
  • A cool challenge in a cool company
  • A great team
  • Flexible working arrangements
About us
Since its foundation in 2018, AVILOO has quickly become the global market leader in the field of battery diagnostics for electric vehicles. 

With more than 45 employees, we already dominate the global “remarketing” & “after-sales” market for electric vehicles. Our customers already include the most renowned vehicle manufacturers, testing companies, leasing companies, vehicle dealers and automobile clubs.

You will be at the forefront and make a significant contribution to the company's success by independently leveraging the enormous potential of your business area. 

We want you to join our dynamic and performance-oriented team and enjoy the success of AVILOO together. Your satisfaction is our CEO's business: 

“We take care of our people. While performance is important to us, we also ensure a good work-life balance. As a father of five children, I know that parents in particular need to be flexible. I guarantee you this flexibility!” Dr. Marcus Berger - CEO

​If you want to continue your career with us, then this is your chance!

If you want to be part of a dynamic and successful team where the entrepreneurial spirit is still alive, then this is your chance!

If you've had enough of narrow framework conditions and slow decisions, then this is your chance!

If you finally want to create something yourself, implement your own ideas and concepts, then this is your chance!

Do you want to be in the thick of it? Do you want to be part of a team that really deserves the name, where we treat each other with respect without exception and celebrate this together time and time again? Do you want to work in a company where everyone is allowed to say what they think? Then give us a call at any time or send us your application documents! We will get back to you reliably! We look forward to getting to know you!

AVILOO GmbH, IZ NÖ Süd, Straße 16, Objekt 69, 2355 Wiener Neudorf, Austria
Tel: 02236/514 010, Web:

Deine Aufgaben
  • Develop a multi-million EUR business model by commercializing AVILOO's leading Battery Field Database.
  • Identify potential customers worldwide, including vehicle OEMs, battery cell manufacturers, and other key players in the battery industry.
  • Collaborate with local sales agents in key markets such as Japan and South Korea.
  • Establish and expand a strong network in China.
  • Identify and acquire local sales partners where needed.
  • Drive independent customer acquisition and successfully close contracts.
  • Prepare offers, lead contract negotiations, and manage commercial order processing.
Dein Profil
  • Ideally, at least five years of experience in the global EV battery industry.
  • Preferably, a background in sales.
  • Strong ability to work independently and with precision.
  • Enthusiasm for engaging with international customers and partners.
  • Excellent written and spoken English.
  • A proactive mindset and eagerness to thrive in a dynamic environment.
  • The ambition to build something impactful.
  • Genuine enthusiasm for your work and a strong sense of motivation.
Warum wir?
  • A highly interesting role in international business development
  • As Senior Global Sales Manager – Battery Field Data, you’ll be responsible for establishing and growing our global Data Sales activities.
  • You will get the opportunity to work with all global EV OEMS, cell manufacturers, manufacturers of Battery Management Systems etc.
  • Direct report to the Management/Owners Board
  • A cool challenge in a cool company
  • A great team
  • Flexible working arrangements
Über uns

AVILOO hat sich seit der Gründung im Jahr 2018 schnell zum globalen Marktführer im Bereich Batteriediagnose von Elektrofahrzeugen entwickelt. 

Mit mehr als 45 Mitarbeitern dominieren wir jetzt schon den globalen „Remarketing“ & „After-Sales“ Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge. Zu unseren Kunden zählen bereits die renommiertesten Fahrzeughersteller, Prüfgesellschaften, Leasingunternehmen, Fahrzeughändler und Automobilclubs.

Du stehst an vorderster Front und trägst maßgeblich zum Unternehmenserfolg bei, in dem Du selbstständig das enorme Potential Deines Geschäftsbereichs hebst. 

Wir wollen Dich für unser dynamisches und leistungsorientiertes Team gewinnen und gemeinsam Spaß am Erfolg von AVILOO haben. Deine Zufriedenheit ist bei uns CEO Sache: 


„Wir kümmern uns um unsere Leute. Während Leistung für uns wichtig ist, sorgen wir auch für eine gute Balance zwischen Berufsleben und Privatleben. Als Vater von fünf Kindern weiß ich, dass gerade Eltern flexibel sein müssen. Diese Flexibilität garantiere ich Dir!“ Dr. Marcus Berger – CEO


Wenn Du Deine Karriere bei uns fortsetzen möchtest, dann ist das Deine Chance!

Wenn Du Teil eines dynamischen und erfolgreichen Teams, in dem der „Entrepreneurial Spirit“ noch lebt, sein möchtest, dann ist das Deine Chance!

Wenn Du genug hast von engen Rahmenbedingungen und langsamen Entscheidungen, dann ist das Deine Chance!

Wenn Du endlich selbst etwas gestalten willst, eigene Ideen und Konzepte umsetzen möchtest, dann ist das Deine Chance!

Du willst mittendrin sein? Du willst Teil eines Teams sein, das diesen Namen wirklich verdient, in dem wir ausnahmslos respektvoll miteinander umgehen und dies auch immer wieder gemeinsam feiern? Du möchtest in einem Unternehmen arbeiten, in dem jeder sagen darf, was er denkt? Dann ruf uns jederzeit an oder schicke uns Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen! Wir melden uns verlässlich! Wir freuen uns, Dich kennenzulernen!

AVILOO GmbH, IZ NÖ Süd, Straße 16, Objekt 69, 2355 Wiener Neudorf, Österreich

Tel: 02236/514 010, Web:

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